Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ready and Fearful

There are many women and loved ones in my life right now that I know are currently pregnant.  They’re right now expecting their predestined ones (baby) after experiencing a loss of some sort at one time or another in their life, such as miscarriage, stillbirth, death after giving birth for whatever reason, ectopic, blighted ovum’s, and the list goes on- many after desperately waiting on their BFP (Big Fat Positive).  I also currently know women who are fighting infertility; longing in their hearts for healing, and to become a mother, or conceive another child.  And, I currently know women who have given birth prematurely due to circumstances beyond their control, and are praying and fighting to overcome the premature birth of their infants.  I too am each of these women.  So, I know all too well some of the emotions associated with each of these experiences.  Some of the women in my life have personally shared with me how they’re afraid…ready to give life and become a mother, but still afraid of what lies ahead.  Some of you, like myself, are trusting God for healing in your reproductive system, and your baby that you’ve prayed for, but you’re still afraid of not ever conceiving, adopting, or finding a surrogate.  In whatever way you believe God to bless you with your baby, you’re STILL afraid.  Some are afraid of their babies never leaving that NICU incubator.  You’re afraid that your baby will lose their battle, because of what you see before you with your natural eyes, and heard with your natural ears.  You’re just afraid…we’re just afraid!
I know and understand that war of being ready and afraid at the same time. You’re ready for healing, pregnancy, your preemie to discharge from the NICU and FINALLY be home with you, but still paralyzed with fear, worry, and doubt.  You can’t FULLY enjoy your pregnancy because you’re afraid of miscarrying again, not hearing a heartbeat again, stillbirth again, ectopic pregnancy again, setbacks due to prematurity again, failed adoption again, not being able to conceive again.  You’re just paralyzed by this all consuming fear, worry, and doubt; although, you’ve been praying.  You want so badly to not be afraid or fearful and to rejoice, and be happy about your prayers being answered to conceive, answered to be healed, answered to have your baby out of the NICU and home, but paralyzed by the unknown. 
Sisters, I understand your fears, worry, and doubt and so does our Father in heaven.  He intimately knows every minute, second, hour, and day we have experienced (good and bad), and every minute, second, hour and day that is yet to be experienced.  I know at times it’s difficult to have faith that all will work out, and all will be well when we’ve gone through so many painful experiences.  Our experiences sometimes replace the faith we should be holding on to.  But, you have to know that the best way to fight your pregnancy fears, adoption fears, healing fears; fertility fears…any fear is with the WORD; thus, developing and strengthening your faith. 
You see, we shouldn’t be daughters of God walking around afraid of what he’s promised us, and paralyzed by fear, worry, and doubt.  Jesus wants you and I to not be afraid, and to just have faith (Mark 5:36 NLT). When we allow faith to rest in our hearts and minds, fear and worry has no place to reside. When we become intentional about praying more, making our request and telling God what we need.  His peace will overflow in our lives internally and externally (Phil. 4:6-7 NLT). Also, speak and pray the word of God over the situation that you believe God to change.  What better way to fight your fears, than to do so by using the word.  Additionally, write your own prayer of declaration over the predestined one (baby) that you’re carrying in your womb, your baby that’s waiting to be adopted, or reproductive health.  Whatever you trust God for; write your own prayer of declaration over it. 
Here are a few scriptures that God gave me to share with you to help you fight fear of pregnancy, fertility, healing, adoption, and prematurity.  It is my prayer that you would meditate on them, and pray them over your situation.  I pray that you will begin to understand the power that lies in the word of God.  I pray that being afraid, and that fear that you have will dissipate.  I pray that your faith will be strengthened and will rise up, so that you can walk in peace, joy, love, and freedom, while rejoicing in His goodness and faithfulness.  Trust Him.  No matter what you’ve gone through in your past, what you will go through in your present, or future you can trust Him, and walk in peace. 
Scriptures to Fight Fear During Pregnancy, and When Trying to Become a Mother:
Philippians 4:6-7        Psalms 112:7
Isaiah 26:3                  John 14:27
Psalms 113:9             Exodus 23:25-25
Hebrews 11:11           1 Samuel 1:27
Luke 1:13-14              Isaiah 41:10

Are you pregnant with your predestined one (baby)? Are you just beginning the adoption process, or in the finalization of your adoption process? Are you TTC (Trying to Conceive)?  Are you currently in the NICU with your preemie? Let me know, so that I can be praying for you.  Or, if you have a friend, or family member that needs prayer, please let me know.  I would love to pray for them as well.  Send your prayer request to  You’re my sisters, and we’re in this together.  You are not alone! 

Yours in Christ,