Happy New Year, ladies!!! 2015 has swiftly approached us, and I pray your year has been amazingly beautiful so far. I’m expecting God to do some pretty mind blowing, supernatural things this year, and for years to come. This year will be the year of supernatural change, and shifting for me spiritually, for my family, for my marriage, for my child, and for my health. What was will no longer be. I believe that! I believe that this year and years following will be nothing but a year of turnaround. However, can I just be transparent for a moment? The end of 2014 leading to 2015 I began to feel hopeless for a lot of reasons. I felt like some things in my life weren’t going to get better; although, I felt I was praying, and seeking God, I just felt heavy. Needless to say these feelings carried over into the New Year with me. The first part of the New Year was dowie, as I was holding onto feelings that were contrary to God’s word, and His plan for my life. It wasn’t until I began fasting, praying, and talking to my husband that God showed me that my feelings of hopelessness was tied to my unbelief in Him. He began to echo this phrase in my spirit: “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD, AND NOTHNG IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! To be brutally honest, if I truly believed Him, and His word, my hopelessness wouldn’t have existed in the first place. If I had been truly praying and believing before this revelation; I would’ve been more confident in my Father who withholds nothing good from my life. Even the sermon at my church that following first Sunday drove home the message: Lord, help me with my unbelief, and nothing is impossible with God! It was then, that I said, “Lord, I hear you, and I’m listening.” I also had to repent for my unbelief. I had to let my Father know how sorry I was for not trusting Him, and believing Him. From that moment forward, I resolved to keep my eyes on the Father, to trust Him during the good and bad seasons of life. I refused to allow myself to walk around hopeless, and unbelieving of a God that can do the impossible.
So, sisters, I want you to know that as you journey through this year, know that God can do the impossible. For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment (Luke 1: 37 AMP). Your “predestined one,” (baby) that you believe Him for- know that it’s on the way. It may be delayed, but NEVER denied! God is the one who opens and closes our wombs. He’s the giver and taker of life. It’s not impossible for Him. To my fertility sisters, I believe that God will do some supernatural healing in our reproductive health this year. We will not continue fighting this assignment of infertility over our lives. I believe that we are healed by the healing power of the blood of Jesus Christ. I believe that He will give you the gift of a child this year. He gives the childless woman a family,making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD (Psalm 113:9)! This is your year of conception, and healing in Jesus name! I believe it, and I’m keeping you lifted in prayer! We can pray for anything, and if we believe that we’ve received it, it will be ours (Mark 11:24)! Speak these scriptures over your life daily. Don’t allow those negative feelings and emotions to weaken your faith and trust in your Father. Additionally, I have a whole page of scriptural “biblical truths,” concerning conceiving. Check those out! Meditate on them daily. This is your year!
To my preemie sisters, know that God has your baby covered as he/she lies in that incubator fighting for life. Push past that fear, pain, worry, anxiety, confusion, and anger, and allow the truth of God’s word to wash over you, and His plan for your life to comfort you. For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome (Jer. 29:11 AMP)! I too have been down that NICU road. So, I totally sympathize with you! Each day brings something new to worry about, and stress about. However, hold tight to your faith. Pray over your gift (baby), and watch God work a miracle. My now 2-year-old is a former 25 weeker. He was intubated for much of his NICU stay, because he couldn’t tolerate CPAP. Consequently, he was diagnosed with Chronic Lung Disease. The doctors thought they’d need to perform a tracheotomy because he had such difficulty weaning off of the ventilator. Additionally, his oxygen levels continued to be low, and he had to have several blood transfusions. He extubated (removal of breathing tube) himself MANY times, had hernia surgeries (during and after NICU stay), and then came home on supplemental oxygen for 10 months post the NICU stay. There were days that the doctors would tell us, “He is very sick.” They didn’t expect Caleb to survive….BUT GOD! My husband and I kept him before God in prayer, and had other prayer warriors interceding for him, and I’m Godly proud to say that today, Caleb is a healthy, happy, rambunctious 2-year-old. God did it, and he gets ALL glory for my little miracle of a son! My sister, remember: NOTHING is impossible for God, and with God! Trust Him for your baby’s healing, and survival. Speak healing and restoration over your gift (baby). Speak life over him/her, and believe it! Remember, we can pray for anything, and if we believe that we’ve received it, it will be ours (Mark 11:24)!
I believe God for your baby’s healing and restoration, your peace and strength, and for an awesome testimony! I believe that your baby will have a supernatural turnaround in his/her health while in the NICU, in Jesus Name! I’m praying for you, and your little ones.
Sisters, keep in touch with me. I would love to hear your testimonies of conception, and healing received for your reproductive health and your preemies health this year. There’s a page just for your “testimonies,” as we believe God for supernatural shifting in our lives. Please come back, and share with me, and others what God has done. You will be of encouragement to another sister. I love you guys, and remember…NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD, AND WITH GOD!