My Story

Welcome to My Predestined One!  Here is my story. My Predestined One was birthed in July 2012 (formerly known as Waiting On Our Predestined One) after Derek and I conceived twice via IUI (Intrauterine Insemination), but both were ectopic (tubal) miscarriages.  I’d been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) in June 2007-a hormonal imbalance that causes small cysts to grow on your ovaries, hence the name polycystic.  It also causes one to have missed periods or no have periods at all making it extremely difficult to get pregnant, as you're not releasing an egg (ovulating) on your own. The first ectopic was in August 2011, and the second ectopic was in February 2012. Having two ectopic pregnancies exactly 6 month apart of one another was heartbreaking.  It left me feeling angry, confused, hopeless, and like I’d never be a mother.  Additionally, I kept my struggle with infertility mainly to myself, except sharing with my and Derek’s parents and two best friends, as I felt somewhat ashamed that I couldn’t conceive naturally.  Furthermore, after the first ectopic me and my husband agreed to keep our pursuit to conceive between the two of us, not informing anyone until after our first trimester should we conceive again in the future.  Therefore, no family or friends knew of our second short lived pregnancy.  So, two ectopic pregnancies later I was told that it was time to move on to IVF (In vitro fertilization), as the doctor suspected some blockage in one or both fallopian tubes.  At the age of 29, I completed my first IVF cycle in May 2012, and it was unsuccessful.  I was even more angry, heartbroken, confused, and hopeless as my faith in God grew weaker.  I felt alone in my fight against infertility with no one to turn to, or understand what I was going through-the pain I felt.  Finally, Derek and I decided to inform both our families of what had been, and was transpiring as it related to us trying to become parents, because we’d reached a point where we needed the prayers of both our families.  I and Derek then moved on to complete a FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) in June 2012, as we were able to freeze seven of our embryos after the first failed IVF cycle.   Following IVF cycle two, I began writing in my blog about my infertility journey, because it was very therapeutic for me.  Needless to say, that cycle was a success, and today Derek and I are the proud parents of a former 25 week micro preemie born 2 pounds, .04 ounces, and 12 inches long in December 2012 name Caleb.  My journey to motherhood had been a long, emotionally, psychologically, financially draining one for me.  But, I continued to keep my faith in God knowing that ALL things work together for the good of them that love God, and who are called according to His purpose! 

With that being said, as of 2015 Derek and I began trying to expand our family of three to a family of four. God has been doing miraculous healing in my reproductive health, and I know that He's finishing the work that He's started. We're again standing on faith and trusting Him for baby #2. While I have a very strong faith in God and His ability to give us another predestined miracle, an infertility diagnosis still takes its toll emotionally, financially, physically, and psychologically. Many may think because God has blessed us one with child that our trying for a second should be easier. Let me tell you...that's so far from the truth, because your body is still fighting to do something that it should do naturally, but doesn't. However, we know that God is a healer and He's the opener and closer of my womb. With that said, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR HIM. By faith, we know that our predestined miracle #2 is on the way! 


  1. Dear friend,
    Thank you for sharing your story here. I praise God for the ability to find others who have gone through the same things online. I found you on Periscope and then got the link for this blog on your Twitter. I'd love to connect with you to hear more of your story. (@BethSophiaUSA)

  2. Love your story God Bless you!!!
