Prayer Wall

The purpose of this prayer wall is to provide a place for my sisters to know that we are not alone in our different journeys to motherhood, and overcoming the fight against infertility and prematurity.  The prayer wall is also to be for encouragement and support for my sisters, so that I can pray and be in agreement with you.  Type your prayer request in the comment boxes below under  this page.  You may choose to remain anonymous, or not.   
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done." Philippians 4:6


  1. I'm believing God for healing in my reproductive system, so that I can someday conceive naturally without the help of fertility medications. I believing that I will some day be able to conceive a natural-supernatural pregnancy, and that He will be glorified through me. Please pray that God will continue to heal my reproductive system, and that He will someday bless our family with a natural-supernatural pregnancy. Thanks!

  2. I'm believing God to protect this little baby in my womb today. His protection for His children is complete and total, even if that means they go home earlier than we would like. I am 6 weeks pregnant and have my ultrasound next week. Please pray that I would be strong and trusting! We are not given a spirit of fear, but of confidence! Praising God every day for the little miracles!

    1. Beth,

      Thank you for sharing your prayer request here. I will be praying for you, and that predestined one (baby) that God has blessed you with! I pray a happy & healthy pregnancy over you and baby, and that you can relax, rejoice, and enjoy your pregnancy! Love you sis!

  3. I'm believing God that He will totally heal my reproductive organs and my husband's so that we can conceive naturally. Our baby(ies) will come forth healthy in their destined time. I pray that I will have a supernatural pain-free pregnancy and labor that will give glory to God and encourage other women who are or will experience infertility.

    1. Airreia,

      Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your prayer request! I'm standing in agreement with you, sis. Your healing, and predestined one(s) are on the way. Keep believing and professing healing over your and your husband's reproductive health. Life and death lies in the power of the tongue, so keep speaking life and healing over both of you. I'm praying for you alls BFP! And, please come back by and share the great news on our testimony page!
