On yesterday DH and I had our 2nd and last sono with our RE, and it was a bittersweet moment. She (RE) has been in our lives for the past 14 months helping us to get to where we are today, with the help of God. She's been there through the ups, downs, highs, and lows. Nonetheless, I was excited and nervous about seeing the baby because there's always some anxiety for me the day of our sonograms as I just want the baby to be fine! Anyway, it was a bittersweet moment, and I'm officially off and released to my OBGYN on Monday, August 27th. However, it was a great feeling to know that we're finally expecting, and looking forward to a happy and healthy 9 months. Our little angel has grown soo much in two weeks. During our 1st sono at 6wks 6days he/she was tiny. As of yesterday, 8wks 6days, he/she has grown much bigger! You could definitely tell the difference in size. So, the baby is growing as it should which is awesome! The RE joked around with DH and I stating " I think it's going to be a fat boy, so tell your dad to look for a grandson." I spoke with my dad before the sono, and he says he believes it going to be a boy. I however, feel that it's a girl....who knows! In a few more months we'll know, and I cannot wait! Well, here's the 2nd photo of our angel. I think you can see little arms and legs, too!
She's beautiful! Definitely a girl... Heart rates don't lie ... Of course, we'll see in a few months. :)